Best in Show, Rowayton Arts Center

"Peace" won Best in Show in the Rowayton Arts Center Spring All-Media show, which opened April 19. The painting explores my question: What would poet and activist Amanda Gorman write about Russia's war on Ukraine, a country whose national flower symbolizes its people's resistance and solidarity in the face of war crimes and atrocities. The show runs through May 14.

"Peace" won Best in Show in the Rowayton Arts Center Spring All-Media show, which opened April 19. The painting explores my question: What would poet and activist Amanda Gorman write about Russia's war on Ukraine, a country whose national flower symbolizes its people's resistance and solidarity in the face of war crimes and atrocities. The show runs through May 14.
It's a Mod, Mod, Mod World

"Dad's Pants," an acrylic on 2'x5' board is hanging in the Concepts Group show, "It's a Mod, Mod, Mod World" at the Museum of Darien through February 9, 2022. An ode to my father who died this year at age 94, these are a pair of pants I sewed for him when I was 11, back in the groovy 60s.

"Dad's Pants," an acrylic on 2'x5' board is hanging in the Concepts Group show, "It's a Mod, Mod, Mod World" at the Museum of Darien through February 9, 2022. An ode to my father who died this year at age 94, these are a pair of pants I sewed for him when I was 11, back in the groovy 60s.
Silvermine Summer Salon

My abstract acrylic on paper is included in the Silvermine Guild Summer Salon, which runs from 7/17/21-8/20/21. Check out the talented guild artists. If you buy a piece, you can leave with it the same day.

My abstract acrylic on paper is included in the Silvermine Guild Summer Salon, which runs from 7/17/21-8/20/21. Check out the talented guild artists. If you buy a piece, you can leave with it the same day.
Time and Again

"Family Quilt" is part of the Concepts Group show, "Time and Again," celebrating 200 years of Darien's independence and 100 years of women's suffrage. The art show and fundraiser benefits the Darien Historical Society, February 1-14, 2020, at the society, 43 Old Kings Highway North. My piece uses antique books, family photos and thread to tell the story of the Darien family I married into, the Weeds whose descendants have lived on the same land, once called Gude Wyf's Farm, for seven generations.

"Family Quilt" is part of the Concepts Group show, "Time and Again," celebrating 200 years of Darien's independence and 100 years of women's suffrage. The art show and fundraiser benefits the Darien Historical Society, February 1-14, 2020, at the society, 43 Old Kings Highway North. My piece uses antique books, family photos and thread to tell the story of the Darien family I married into, the Weeds whose descendants have lived on the same land, once called Gude Wyf's Farm, for seven generations.
Silvermine Guild Summer Salon

My encaustic piece, “Sweet Lorraine,” is included in the Silvermine Guild Summer Salon,
Silvermine Galleries, New Canaan Ct
July 6-aug 21, 2019
Juried by Paul Efstathiou, Director of Contemporary Art, Hollis Taggart, NY

My encaustic piece, “Sweet Lorraine,” is included in the Silvermine Guild Summer Salon,
Silvermine Galleries, New Canaan Ct
July 6-aug 21, 2019
Juried by Paul Efstathiou, Director of Contemporary Art, Hollis Taggart, NY